Professional waitress in Edmonton, AB.
On Wednesday, October the 4th.I went to Century Casino to enjoy a breakfast Like I have done many times in the past. Through the years, I have gotten to know all the waiters and waitresses who have ever worked or still work at Century Casino. Today I would like to Mention One waitress. She works very hard at her job and is very pleasant each time I come in. She gives me great service each and every time I come in. And that waitress is Elleene. I spoke to her a little bit more today and found out that she’s been working as a waitress for the past 40 years. And as she put it, she really loves her job. You can really tell by her actions and attitude that she really does. I’ve got to say that Century Casino Management is very fortunate to have such a professional waitress employed at their restaurant. She keeps me coming back for the smile and great service. And of course, the food.

This article was written by #DataDiggerDon for #FoodEdmontonDining