Let me introduce myself, Hello! my name is Don Reykdal, I’m from Edmonton,Alberta,Canada.

My reason’s for creating this website are:
- I love creating and sharing tasty recipes.
- I like reading about peoples different dining experiences.
- I enjoy learning and trying recipes from around the world from food lovers like yourself.
- This website and my other food blogs give me the wonderful opportunity to meet many interesting people around the world and expand my many friendships I’ve developed over time.
I love to experiment in the kitchen and I’ve created many delicious dish’s over the past 45 years.
So with that said and now you know a bit about me…
Welcome! to FOODEDMONTON.COM Where you can read reviews, watch videos of a persons dining experience and see pictures of The Most Delicious Food in Edmonton. We will also at some point in time go and interview the owners of dining establishments in Edmonton so you can get their point of view as to when they started their restaurant and how much passion they have for the food they offer us the consumer.
Food Edmonton is for anyone who likes to share the love of Delicious Food. Food lovers from around the world are waiting to hear what you have to say. So Speak now and share your Love of food.
Please send your recipes and insights to: donr555@gmail.com
Food Edmonton | The Most Delicious Food in Edmonton. Click this link for the home page.